
The Smile Makeover Process: Part One

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you and is an important part of who you are. Not everyone is lucky enough to have the genetics for a great smile. In fact, most people require some dental or orthodontic work to get a picture-perfect smile. This is where smile makeovers come in! Smile makeovers reinvent your smile and correct multiple dental problems. They are an ideal choice for anyone who needs or wants to make significant changes to their teeth and mouth. With a combination of the latest technology and dental techniques, we can achieve your picture-perfect smile together.

The smile makeover process begins with gathering diagnostic information. This is the “blueprint” I develop before getting started.

Dentist, Teeth, smile, patient, smile makeover, botox
Dentist, Teeth, smile, patient, smile makeover, botox

At the first appointment:

Impressions of both the upper and lower teeth are taken, along with a facebow record. (The facebow makes sure the horizontal plane of the teeth is correct. Example – Joe Biden’s teeth curve upward on his left side because his dentist either did not use a facebow or did not use it properly.) Models of the teeth are then mounted on a semi-adjustable articulator, which represents the orientation of the teeth relative to the face and jaw joints.

High-resolution photographs are taken that allow me to see the surface of every tooth. If a patient has a past or current history of TMJ or muscle problems, a comprehensive muscle and joint examination is performed. If a patient shows difficulty with nasal breathing, an airway exam is performed. If necessary, a patient is sent home with a medical-grade pulse oximeter to detect the cause of the breathing problems. Though it may not seem like it, this is a direct correlation to issues with oral health.

Dentist, Teeth, smile, patient, smile makeover, botox

Once the models are mounted on an articulator, a diagnostic wax-up is made. This process involves carving wax onto the models of the teeth to represent the change in size and contour of the patient’s new makeover. The wax-up is used to develop the temporary veneers/crowns and serves as a template for the final restorations.

In my next blog, I’ll share what happens at your second and third appointment as you take the necessary steps to achieve the smile of your dreams.